Discover & Hire Maritime Talent for Your Marina!

The Catalan Association of Sports and Tourist Ports (ACPET) and UnderwaterPro join forces to offer you the best platform for hiring maritime and underwater profiles!

This collaboration combines the expertise of both organizations to provide unparalleled opportunities for employers and job seekers in Catalonia. Together, we’re revolutionizing the hiring process in the maritime industry. 

Maritime Jobs UnderwaterPro

Why UnderwaterPro is Your Best Choice?

Maritime Jobs UnderwaterPro

Specialization in the Marine Sector

We understand the unique needs of sports and tourist ports, and specialize in connecting them with the right talent who share their passion for the maritime and underwater world.
Maritime Jobs UnderwaterPro

Hiring Maritime and Diving Profiles

From boat captains and marine maintenance personnel to certified divers and dive instructors, our platform offers a wide range of specialized profiles to meet all hiring needs.
Maritime Jobs UnderwaterPro

Simplified Hiring Process

With our intuitive platform, you can post jobs, review candidate profiles, and manage the entire hiring process in one place, saving time and effort.
Maritime Jobs UnderwaterPro

Security and Reliability

We guarantee the quality and reliability of the professionals registered on our platform, providing you with peace of mind in every hire.

Post a Job in 4 Easy Steps

Navigating the hiring process is a breeze with UnderwaterPro. Effortlessly post jobs, tap into a pool of skilled applicants, and handpick talent that fits your company’s ethos. Let’s streamline your hiring today.

  • Create an account or log in
  • Fill out the job posting form with project details and requirements
  • Preview and publish the job post
  • Transparent pricing that grows with your business

Need Professional Advice or Support for Your Hiring Needs?

At UnderwaterPro, we offer comprehensive recruitment services tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require assistance with candidate sourcing, vetting, or full-cycle recruitment, our team of experts is here to help. Our recruitment services are designed to save you time and ensure you hire the best talent available.

Key Services

Candidate Sourcing

Leverage our extensive network to find the right candidates quickly.

Screening and Vetting

Ensure candidates meet your high standards through our thorough vetting process.

Full-Cycle Recruitment

Let us handle the entire recruitment process, from job posting to onboarding.

Consultation Services

Get expert advice on recruitment strategies and best practices.

Get in Touch with Our Recruitment Experts

Allow us to transform your challenges into opportunities. Start the transformation by reaching out below.

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